Wednesday, August 25, 2010

i'm gonna miss this...really i am

i recently read the post of a very prominent blogger and it got me thinkin'. in it, she talked through the challenges that she is faced with daily as the mom to five very small people. i could instantly relate. there are some days when i don't think i can fill another drink cup or wipe another sticky face...but the truth is, i can and i will.

even more, when my time comes to write checks instead of lunch notes to my sweet babes, i know i will miss the ol' days. (although at this very moment when 50% of my children are crying as matt tries to get them in bed, it's hard to believe i'll miss it!)

i've been taking mental notes all day about some of my most favorite things about being a mom to young ones...special things that i know will be mourned...

1. being the only one that can translate casey's's like we have a mind meld
2. sophie's award winning hugs that just engulf me
3. ellee asking the same question 16 times in a row
4. the smell of my sweet baby nora
5. ellee's made up songs that she sings in the company of anyone at any moment
6. sophie's ability to try new things and immediately succeed
7. casey's dancing
8. secrets from my daughters
9. brushing ellee's hair...she has great hair
10. my kids truly believing that i have eyes all over my body and can see them even when i'm not looking
11. the exchange of hearts at every departure
12. a child climbing into my bed at night so that i can comfort them after a 'mean dream'
13. watching the kids wrestle and run with matt
14. walks with the kids
15. sprawling days that are all ours
16. grocery shopping helpers
17. loud dinners
18. folding tiny shirts, shorts and onesies
19. special occasions
20. hearing about the best part of their days each night at dinner
21. hearing ellee whisper 'i can do it' as she tries new things
22. the fact that every time sophie and ellee have to go potty, no matter what, they have to tell me
23. watching them wave to me at the window when i leave
24. feeding my babies early in the morning
25. i have about 36,000 more things...but i still have 50% of my children crying and i'm pretty sure that matt is only about 34% sane at this point...maybe #25 is just feeling needed. every single day they need me.

what will you miss?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I miss my babies being small enough to sit in my lap. I really do miss them being little, but, I really really enjoy my grown up kids, too. They are all amazing.