Tuesday, May 25, 2010

thank you...no no, i really mean it. THANK YOU.

over the last hand full of months, i have been so touched by the support i have been given by the people who fill up my life. my parents have shown love beyond what i could have expected. my friends have continued to be like family to me. people who i don't know, or hardly know, have surprised me in their generous support. whether people have commented on the blog, sent a card, brought me a cup of coffee or simply just talked to me, the tangible and intangible support of people has been amazing.

so much so, in fact, that i can actually see a change in myself (i know, i almost dropped dead from shock too. as usual, i skipped 'gracious' altogether and instead have fallen clumsily and somewhat begrudgingly backwards into change). there are still those times in my day when i feel like making a run for it, but instead i remember your words! i remember you telling me that i can do it. that i'm not going under. that this is not forever. i remember your kindness and your presence and i am so grateful. so grateful.

you, my friends and my community, keep me growing. you keep me from sinking. when i grow up, i want to be just like you. i want to be an encouragement to those around me because i know, first hand, what a difference it makes. you have me made me excited to serve - to be a active member of this body of christ - because of the service i have been on the receiving end of.

from the bottom of my heart, thank you. you have made a difference.


Laura Z said...

Shannon, thank you for your vulnerability. Such a gift to all of us who think these things and don't say them out loud. You're a rockstar in my book!

Carrie said...

Thanks for paying it forward today! I appreciated our "conversation" today. I really needed to hear your words of wisdom today.