my snow white, cinderella, and fire man were amazing trick or treaters this year! it was so FUN to watch them run from door to door collecting their candy. it's a special day for watch them enjoy themselves so much. these kids are magic to me and i count myself blessed to be their mom.
cinerella and snow it weird that i never want them to grow up?
they were so cute that now i want to dress them like this everyday.
my lil' fireman. he was so good at trick-or-treating this year! he ran from house to house telling each person what he was...he could not have enjoyed it more.
a perfect cinderella! she was super excited for the dress and the makeup and the candy...she has her priorities straight.
ahhhh...just. too. cute. for. me. her sweet face could knock me to the ground. she was such a great mommy too...reminding ellee and casey to say thank you at each house.
casey threw a fit about getting his costume i demonstrated how easy it was by slipping into a spare thomas costume...and then it just kinda stuck. keeeelasic.
nora. she is so adorable, she didn't even need a costume.
the crew...ready to work the streets for a bucket full of fun sized chocolate bars.
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