Wednesday, January 14, 2009

christmas letter - just to archive it :)

Merry Christmas and happy new year from the Schans family! We have been blessed in abundance this year! In fact it is those people we hold dear (that’s you!) who played such a big role in all the good things that happened in 2008. Whether you were praying, lifting boxes, babysitting or just giving a call, we appreciated the love and support from our family and friends this year! Through quitting jobs, moving (twice!) and the birth of a third baby – this year has been anything but boring!

Some updates on the family seem appropriate as one reflects on the year that has past…so first up is our little princess – Sophia Kelly. Sophie has been nothing but a joy since she was put in my arms on April 25, 2006. She is the picture of God’s vision for adoption. This is not to suggest that she doesn’t have her moments – but they are like that of any other 3 year old. She is oblivious to the eyes of others when she sings at the top of her lungs in target or anywhere else she may be. She participates in dance class as if she were the only student; swinging her arms and waving at herself in the giant mirror that taunts her throughout the hour. Developmentally, Sophie is thriving. She talks much like I do – and I am 30. Her vocabulary is impressive and her love for life is inspiring. She has been a gift.

Ellen Cara will turn two in January – that’s right – TWO! I can hardly believe how fast time has flown by since she was born in 2007. I feel like Ellee is my kindred spirit. She is my counterpart in almost every way. She is fiery and loud. She is passionate about the things she wants and rarely gives up until she gets her way. Matt and I constantly laugh at her outgoing personality – her vigor is only matched by her delicate sensitivity. Truly she puts on a show, but cares so much about her sister (who she calls Haaty) and her brother (tasy) that when they’re missing something, she will always pull them into the mix. She never allows for a dull moment. She is another blessing that we have savored this year.

In March 2008, our little man was born. Casey Joseph is a quiet calm that acts to center an otherwise chaotic scene. He is a watcher – taking in every element of everyone and choosing to whom he will grant a smile. If Ellee is my counterpart, then Casey is Matt’s. At only 9 months, and growing ever more mobile, he is likely to thrive in any setting. Through Casey, we have been touched a third time by the grace of God.

Matt continues to adjust to life in Minnesota. He reminds me often that it’s cold here and probably not so much in Michigan. I assure him he will get used to it! He has loved officiating for basketball and football this fall and winter. Because he is working a late night shift at UPS, he is able to stay at home with the kids during the day. This has been an amazing relief for us with me working full-time during the day. The kids are in good hands and they love having their dad at home – and so do I! Matt has been such a Christ-follower throughout this process. He has been a gift to me and to the kids.

I have been amazed at where this year has taken us. Last December, we knew that 2008 would bring about a great deal of change for our family – but we didn’t know what path would be ours to follow. Countless times, our way was made clear and we landed in Minnesota. I am working at the University of Minnesota in the College of Liberal Arts. I work with freshmen and sophomore students and have really loved being a part of such a big university. Although being away from the kids full time has proven to be challenging – I am being provided for by the One who knows all things!

As we anticipate the days ahead, know that we are thankful for you! We are wishing you a Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ!