Wednesday, April 25, 2012

an ordinary super great crazy day.

we had a very normal, insane, wonderful and loud day today. among other things, we celebrated sophie's sixth gotcha day and watched ellee star as a flamingo in her school performance. oh you know. same ol' same ol'.
 six years ago today, i got to hold my lil' soph for the fist time. her first night with us she work up in the middle of the night crying. she was so scared. matt and i stayed up and snuggled her until she fell asleep in my arms. tonight, after she woke up from a bad dream, i got to do the same thing with my big 7 year old girl. that's totally picture worthy. isn't she so beautiful?

 this morning, nora and i attended a show. it stared ellee as a flamingo. she was brilliant, obviously. nora, ran around like a crazy person demanding more granola bar which i didn't have, obviously. i brought my own iced coffee, obviously.

here she is in all her flamingo glory, ellee cara.

good day around here folks. spring has sprung, i'm already complaining about the heat, and the kids hate bugs. they are loving the swing set though and are speed racers on their coordinating scooters. these kids are something and it's something even better that i get to be their mom.

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