Friday, February 5, 2010

from the mouths of babes...

just a funny story that has had me giggling this evening....

1. tonight my lovelies are spending some time with grandma and grandpa having a much-anticipated sleep-over. (with matt having to (getting to?) ref a bazillion basketball games this weekend, i was thrilled to have some time to put my feet up - a real treat! )

when i called to check in tonight, my mom was still laughing about a comment sophie made. the story begins with the fact that my kids are not allowed to watch some cartoons that i just don't like...spongebob square pants, for thank you. one other that i don't allow is caillou from pbs. i just don't appreciate how caillou talks to his family and is just generally we don't watch it.

now...more than ever though...caillou has a growing mystique with sophie and ellee. consistent questions about why we can't watch these shows abound. today, while in the car with my mom, sophie asked her why they couldn't watch caillou. my mom said that it was because 'mom and dad think that caillou whines too much.' ellee asked what whining was and my mom explained that it is when people talk mean to their families and act naughty. appeased by this answer...everyone moved on.

tonight, the girls were enjoying watching cinderella. when the scene came where the evil step-sisters rip cinderella's dress that the mice had made for her, ellee exclaimed with great concern 'why are they doing that to her?'

without missing a beat, sophie said 'they must have watched too much caillou.'

that's my girl.


Katie said...

Love it!

Charity said...

I love this! Goes to show just how impressionable little minds are and how MUCH they soak in!

andrew,betsy,& noura said...

love it! Hilarious too, b/c i refuse Callou as well (hate the whine) and Spongebob:)

Laurie Gates said...

Shannon, I just found your blog from Nadia's... what a beautiful family you have! I wish you and Matt so much happiness as you look forward to the birth of #4!
love, Laurie (Johnson, RA with you in Tibstra) Gates