Wednesday, October 22, 2008

brown hair and 3 kids...i'm ready to rumble...if rumble means drive you somewhere in my minivan

hello! i am holding myself accountable to blog on two things - 1) the song 'i am not my hair' AND 2) my children-less trip to chicago last weekend.

ok - so i heard this song by india arie called 'i am not my hair'. check it out on you tube for all of the lyrics, but it really made me think. i must have been having a vulnerable moment or somethings because the song challenged me to think about what is really important to me right now. its hard to remember that even when at work - where i am surrounded by really smart and incredibly well put together people - it's ok that i still fumble to drink my coffee each morning without spilling it down my shirt or to walk down the hallway without snagging my heel on carpet and nearly falling. i have actually felt a little 'released' from the pressure to 'do it all' because i realized - with the help of a silly song - that i simply cannot. i cannot be a great mom who looks flawless and always has it together. i cannot be a maverick (wink wink) at work and in the home. what i can do...wait for be me. i am smart and i do have good ideas and i do give everything i have to my kids and my husband. dont get me wrong - there are days that one thing or another suffers because of all that i am committed to doing - days where i do spill my lunch on my shirt, days where i do have to walk out the door when my kids are begging me not to, days when i have to call in sick because i just cant leave - but i am learning to handle what i have been given. because, after all, it is mine. my life is mine to live and to enjoy and to soak up - not to suffer with. im working on it people! stick with me and by the time i'm 90 i may have something insightful to say!

ok - i will revel with the second question in another blog on another's getting late!

the kids are good! casey is sitting up and eating some horrible looking meat paste business as a stage two food - it seriously makes me gag - but it makes him gaga!

ellee is so good - love her to bits. she is talking so much all the time! we try to understand most of it, but because she still struggles with some vocabulary - she can get fired up when we can't get it!

sophie is so good too. she was talking the other day about the kitchen and referenced 'that white thing'. i asked her to back up and clarify when she was talking about...turns out she was telling me a story about the dishwasher! she had no idea what it was because we have never had one before this house! i always load and unload it when she is in bed, so all this time, she had no idea what it was! needless to say, she was very interested to know that IT is the reason that we now eat off of out glass plates - not paper ones like in our old dishwasher-less apartment!

below is a video of the kids outside while matt was raking leaves. there is also a picture of me with my new brown hair at the top of the page.'s a nice change to be a bit less maintenance...even if it is ugly.

love to you all!

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